Art classes- beginners to emerging level (all ages) Includes learning to see to draw. Discover how to master shade, perspective and
composition before moving onto mixing colour and utilising various art mediums and materials.

Small classes up to five persons maximum, accessible venue.

Tables and easels available, some materials provided.

Classes will run fortnightly during a school term

Register your interest in advance for all art classes, tuition and workshops.



Level 1 = $30 per class

1-hour fortnightly lesson starts with building basic drawing skills, learning how to see, understanding composition, proportion and tone.


Level 2 = $40 per class

1.5-hour fortnightly class starts with how to paint your own colour wheels, mix colours, brush and water techniques utilising subjects of own choice. (prerequisite – Level 1)

(4.30pm -6pm)


Enjoy 1.5-hours of Art tuition, music and  a fun learning atmosphere = $40 per class ongoing
(evenings 6.30pm-8pm)
Fortnightly tuition is customised to your level and your needs. Build confidence and skills as you go.


Art channeling workshops for connection with your higher self

Make and paint your own Spirit Animal artifact

Ceremonial prayer tie workshops – for healing, releasing and divination

Please email me for more information.